Sudeep Kamath – Miscellaneous

My kid brother


Pritish Kamath.

He once figured out the answer to life, the universe, and everything, but
failed to jot it down. A sharp lad, I gifted him a notepad last birthday.

One of my favorite proofs in mathematics

The Kneser graph conjecture proved by László Lovász. If you haven't seen it before, and have 15 minutes to spare, check out a simplified proof here.

Story of a combinatorial identity

Here is a fun little story of how I discovered a nice combinatorial identity when I was an undergraduate student intern at Stanford in the summer of 2007: sum_{k=0}^n {nchoose k} (k-1)^k (n-k+1)^{n-k-1} = n^n.

I posted this identity on the Piazza for the CS70 class at UC Berkeley, Spring 2013 offering a prize money of $100. It was successfully solved by one of the undergraduate students and there was substantial effort put by many other students. Through this process, I discovered many different proofs of this identity.


I dabble at music. I enjoy playing music with friends, and occasionally record using GarageBand. Below is a sample. For more recordings, please see my soundcloud page.

ITA video

My video submission for the ITA workshop 2014 that won the best video award. Henri's voice was provided by Venkat Anantharam.


Your calendar never lies. All we have is our time. The way we spend our time IS our priorities,
IS our “strategy”. Your calendar knows what you really care about. Do you?

- Tom Peters

The critics say that in composing The Rake I borrowed from Mozart. I do not borrow from
Mozart. I steal from him.

- Igor Stravinsky

Take your victories when you get them.

- Vamsi Pingali

Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser
than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having
come by their ignorance the hard way.

- Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle



